Ebony Bass Bow Tips

Ebony Bass Bow Tips

Part # Price Purchase
EBBASSTIP90 $ 15.00

Ebony wood bass bow tip with 1.3 mm thick floor. One inch wide or wider and 2.25 inches long on ID. Finely milled head of .437+ tall (11.1 mm). These are ideal as ebony tips and are also used as completely shaped liners.

These are milled with a 90 degree head. If you want these at the 83 degree angled head just purchase these and then email us at instrumentparts@roadrunner.com to tell us you want them at 83 degrees and we will mill them for you at no additional charge.

All of the ebony utilized in this product is Diospyros crassiflora. Its origin is Nigeria. We have imported this with all paperwork being filed electronically and doubled with paper form. All proper strict procedures have been adhered to including Lacey Act PPQ Form 505, US Fish & Wildlife Import/Export permits, and USDA Import and Health Requirement Permits and USDA Plant & Plant Product Declaration Forms in compliance with Lacey Act Requirements (16 USC 3372(f)). All products adhere to USDA APHIS-APIE standards and procedures.

Don't forget the bags!

Violin, Cello & Bass Bow Bags.

PLASTIC BAGS: Our plastic bags are heavy bags at 3 mil thickness. They are 2.75" wide X 36" length and are clear. These are available in groups of 5 or in packages of 100.

Plastic Extra Heavy Duty Bow Bags