Our violin bow horse hair is imported directly from China. We ship direct to you from our Dover, Ohio shop and we have a low flat fee shipping charge regardless of order size to US addresses. Overseas shipping costs vary - please email us for more information.
Our hair is "Trusted Source" hair. We have developed strong working relationships with select suppliers of Chinese horse hair. Our suppliers are knowledgeable of the quality of the hair needed for bow making and they work within our strict quality control standards.
We do not offer a wide variety of varying grades as seen with other vendors where the customer is left with more questions than answers about what grade of hair to purchase. We offer our House Label Brand and our Select Mongolian brand.
This is what we offer:
1) Select Mongolian - a very select grade of the finest Mongolian hair. This is the very best and is available in White, Black and in Chestnut Brown.
2) Bowworks House Brand - this is a very good grade of hair for a reasonable price. Slightly more color drift, slightly coarser and a few curly hairs. Good quality for your serious players yet inexpensive enough for student and rental bows.
Each bundle contains 1 pound of hair.