White Russian Mammoth Ivory Bow Tips

David Warther & Co. has been providing ancient mammoth - mastadon ivory violin bow parts to the bow making community for many decades.

The bow tips offered on this page are made of the highest grade Russian Fossil mammoth ivory. These will be very light in color, by nature, to give you a bow tip that will have the color of elephant ivory but the legality and pleasant working properties of this high grade Russian material. These tips will be very light in color - nearly white - as seen in the photo to the left.

FMI can ship internationally but not to the US states of NY, NJ, HI, IL, CA or NV. FMI is softer and usually is off white or a tan color but this page offers the white Russian mammoth ivory. See our shipping page for details and cost for international shipping. Bow tips are made with 83 degree or 90 degree milled heads. These parts are available for violin-viola, cello and bass. We also provide ancient mammoth - mastadon ivory button stock and frog blanks as well as sheets of fiber lining for bow tips.

Scroll to see products below.

White FMI Violin/Viola Bow Tip 90 Degree

90 degree milled head.

Made in USA of White Russian Fossil Mammoth Ivory.

FMI ships internationally but not to NY, NJ, CA, HI, NV or IL.

Part # Price Purchase
FMWHITEVT90/337 $ 16.00 each

White FMI Violin/Viola Bow Tip 83 Degree

Fossil Mammoth Violin bow tip 83 degree milled head.

Made in USA of White Russian Fossil Mammoth Ivory.

FMI ships internationally but not to NY, NJ, CA, HI, NV or IL.

Part # Price Purchase
FMWHITEVT83/338 $ 16.00 each

White FMI Cello Bow Tip 90 Degree

FMI Cello 90 degree milled head.

Made in USA of White Russian Mammoth Ivory.

FMI ships internationally but not to NY, NJ, CA, HI, NV or IL.

Part # Price Purchase
FMWHITECT90/341 $ 17.00 each

White FMI Cello Bow Tip 83 Degree

FMI Cello Bow tip 83 degree milled head.

Made in USA of White Russian Mammoth Ivory.

FMI ships internationally but not to NY, NJ, CA, HI, NV or IL.

Part # Price Purchase
FMWHITECT83/342 $ 17.00 each

White FMI Bass Bow Tip 90 Degree

Made to industry standard size with 90 degree milled head.

Made in USA of White Russian Mammoth Ivory.

FMI ships internationally but not to NY, NJ, CA, HI, NV or IL.

Part # Price Purchase
FMWHITEBT90/343WH $ 40 each

White FMI Bass Bow Tip 83 Degree

Made to industry standard size with 83 degree milled head.

Made in USA of White Russian Mammoth Ivory.

FMI ships internationally.

Part # Price Purchase
FMWHITEBT83/344WH $ 40 each

Don't forget the bags!

Violin, Cello & Bass Bow Bags.

PLASTIC BAGS: Our plastic bags are heavy bags at 3 mil thickness. They are 2.75" wide X 36" length and are clear. These are available in groups of 5 or in packages of 100.

Plastic Extra Heavy Duty Bow Bags